Breaking The Cycle of Drug Addiction 5 Effective Strategies


how to break addiction cycle

What was once occasional becomes regular, and use may increase in both frequency and quantity. The individual might still maintain some control over their use, but warning signs may begin to appear, such as neglecting responsibilities or experiencing mood swings. A dopamine hit brings about pleasure and is then quickly followed by pain, or a come-down, in order to keep us motivated, says psychiatrist Dr. Anna Lembke. Playing the blame game, or chastising yourself for a problem with drinking or drugs, isn’t a solution.

how to break addiction cycle

What Type of Substance Use Disorders Exist?

  • In their minds, they “know” rehab doesn’t work, but when they don’t know where else to turn, they eventually give rehab another desperate attempt.
  • Watching an addiction damage the lives of those around you is extremely difficult.
  • The loss of potential – what could have been if not for the addiction – is a tragedy that’s hard to quantify but deeply felt by those in recovery.
  • A first-time user feels intense pleasure after using the substance or engaging in the activity and wants the experience again.

Once you’ve identified your trigger, you’ll be able to avoid those situations and persons that might propel you back into your addictive behavior. If you can’t completely avoid the trigger, for instance, your stressful marriage, consider going for couple’s counseling to resolve the underlying issues. Ignoring this will only result in you relapsing into the addiction cycle. Another strategy that can best help you avoid relapsing is identifying triggers that might stimulate you to engage in addictive behavior.

  • We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers.
  • In my experience, the biggest single predictor of whether someone will overcome their addiction is if they act on, and keep acting on, their commitment to be addiction-free.
  • Physical symptoms like nausea, tremors, and sweating may occur, accompanied by emotional turmoil such as anxiety, irritability, and depression.

How to Break the Cycle of Addiction

how to break addiction cycle

At Boardwalk Recovery Center, we work closely with our clients to pinpoint their personal triggers and help them distance from their old ways. Contact our team to find out how we can help you or a loved one break the cycle of addiction and achieve successful recovery. We are a recovery center that understands addiction and are waiting for you. Addiction happens when the individual cannot go without using their substance of choice or engaging in the activity. They feel trapped in their situation and experience problems in their lives due to the situation.

  • Overcoming an addiction is not a simple process, but it is possible with the right addiction treatment program.
  • Unfortunately, there are also unhealthy characteristics that can be passed from generation to generation.
  • It might involve developing new coping strategies, repairing relationships, or finding new hobbies and interests.

Breaking The Cycle of Addiction

Or, perhaps you feel ashamed after having sex, which suggests you could address internalized sex shaming. The point is not to avoid your triggers but to explore why they make you feel that way. Our brains are constantly awash in a soup of chemicals called neurotransmitters. These molecules help regulate everything from mood and appetite to sleep and cognition. Drugs of abuse hijack this delicate system, often by mimicking or amplifying the effects of natural neurotransmitters. As experimentation gives way to more frequent use, patterns begin to emerge.

Understanding, anticipating, and planning for these triggers is a crucial part of the recovery process. In their quest to avoid pain, addicts turn to their drug of choice for a solution that provides rapid relief, beginning the toxic cycle we call addiction. In addition to rapid relief, addicts may cycle of addiction also look to escape their problems and avoid addressing the issues firsthand. Unfortunately, addictive solutions are easily accessible and obtain “results” quickly. For some individuals, alcohol is a go-to choice, while others turn to cannabis, cigarettes, or another substance for instant pleasure.

how to break addiction cycle